Birds of a Feather


It is here we will endeavour to bring you Fan Fiction that relates to The DC Universe's cutest (and best) canon pair:
Barbara Gordon (Oracle) and Richard Grayson (Nightwing)!

Stories Housed in the Roost:

Story Of The Month:


Here's Looking at You, Red
by E. Kelly
Shut up, so it's been er.. three years or such. WHATEVER. Picking a favorite out of the stock because this is wartime and plotty. We will celebrate THE SPECIAL DAY OF TODAY FEBRUARY 8 2006 OF WHICH WILL BE IMPORTANT LATER with something fun and dark and a bit evil. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Come here to see what's new and different here at The Roost.

Stories - If you know the title, this is the place to click.

Stuff - Random things that amuse me.

Credo - Words which we here at Birds of a Feather live by.

Authors - If you want an Author's specific works, here's where to click.

Submissions - Rules, etc. on how to get your stuff archived here.

Disclaimers - Our Disclaimer.

Books to read if you like this site:
Birds of Prey
Batman Universe Books

DC Comics Online


Note: If you'd like to know more about the webmistress or see some of her own works of fiction, please go to The Peach Tree.