August 15, 2233h "-to cover the side ent-" Robin held up a hand, pausing Batman's instructions, and raised a hand to his ear. "Go ahead, Oracle." Beneath the cowl, Bruce Wayne raised an eyebrow as he settled into a patient-but-ready stance and returned his gaze to the warehouse below. Two-Face had assembled a more competent gang than usual; they hadn't scattered when their leader was carted back to Arkham. It would be up to Batman to persuade them that they did not want to continue whatever plans they had - "Any idea where he might have gone?" Robin's question to Oracle derailed Batman's train of thought. Someone was missing, and if Oracle was calling Robin, the odds that it was a criminal that Nightwing had been tracking were about 2.73%. "I showed him the basics, yeah, but I doubt he could get to a rooftop." Spud, Batman realized. He opened his own channel to Oracle, drawing a startled look from Robin when his voice came on line. "He could get to a rooftop," he said flatly. "Batman?" "Dinah caught him scaling the Cave bottom to top last week." Oracle sighed heavily over the comlink. "Great. Twice the area to cover then." Robin shot a glance at Batman. "Where's Nightwing?" "He's been staking out the Municipal Trainyards, but Spud wouldn't know that. He knows the basic patrol route, but I can only guess where he'd think Nightwing would be." Batman considered for a moment. Spud wouldn't be hiding - he would be trying to arrive at a patrol point ahead of Nightwing and plead his case. He also could hear the request Oracle had intended to make before she realized that Batman was with Robin. "Robin, go to Bludhaven," he ordered. "Are you sure you can spare him?" Oracle asked as Robin shot off a jump line. "He can spare me," Robin replied, already only audible to Batman through the earpiece in his cowl. "Tell Nightwing I'm on my way." "Thanks, guys," Oracle signed off, her relief audible. Batman sat for a second more in the silence. Spud was going to catch an earful for this one, no matter how competent he was becoming as a potential sidekick. Dick was adamant; no kevlar for his son. Bruce found himself in the rare position of being the only one who understood Dick's reasoning, but he could also understand Spud's desire to join his father's crusade. Yes, there would definitely be an argument in Bludhaven tonight. He shook himself, focusing back on the task at hand, and opened a link to Batgirl. "Batgirl, change in plans," he began, rapidly laying out a new strategy for cleaning out Two-Face's hoods. He would call in the morning to find out how Dick dealt with his wayward son. Right now he had work to do.