A needle in a haystack, Tim despaired, squinting through Starlite lenses into another dark alley - this time from the roof of the Port Authority Bus Terminal He hoped the unnatural quiet of the 'Haven held at least until they found Spud; even just dealing with one mugging had left him feeling urgently as if Spud would pass him by unnoticed while Robin was tying up bad guys. His comlink beeped. "Nightwing to Robin." "Go ahead, Nightwing." "I found him." Nightwing's tone was somewhere between amusement and relief. "Really? Where?" "Camped out on the Old Passeo Building - clear view of the northbound Blue Line and the Bus Terminal. Apparently I was talking to Babs about it the other night." There was a hint of fatherly pride beneath the sardonic edge in Nightwing's voice. "He okay?" "Aside from about to get grounded for life?" "Ouch. Listen, I'm on my way over. Don't be too hard on him." Nightwing snorted. "Funny, Babs said the same thing. See you in a bit." "Yep. Robin out." Tim smiled in rueful amusement. Spud was going to get an earful. Maybe it would be better to spare the kid the embarrassment of getting reamed out in front of Robin. He glanced at the time. Ten minutes, he decided, shooting off a jumpline to take a short tour of the Bludhaven skyline.