August 16, 0132h From her control center, Babs tripped the locks on the front door barely seconds before a red blur whisked through it, too urgent to remember that it should be locked. Wally West skidded to a frozen stop in the middle of her kitchen, looking around wildly. "Barbara!" he called. "Right here," she answered, wheeling out of her work room. "I-" "C'mon!" he insisted, scooping her from her chair and bolting toward the city docks. A signaler on her wrist shut and relocked the door, that gesture filling the time of Flash's mad dash to Nightwing's warehouse. Then her stomach lurched as he stopped too quickly at an access door and made as if to set her down on her feet. "Flash!" she objected, clinging to his arms. "Omigod'msorryBarbara!" he blustered, tightening his grip and reaching to open the door. "AnIfogot-" "Wally, hush!" she ordered, her eyes scanning the warehouse desperately. Bright light filled one corner of the space, drawing her eyes to the screened off operating space STAR Labs had teleported down. "Barbara!" Superman stepped toward her from a spot near the curtains, his face pinched with worry. She wasn't seeing him. His movement opened a clear line of sight to a small form clinging to the curtains. "Spud!" she cried. Without prompting, Wally zipped her to the boy's side, settling her down gently on the ground beside him and then stepping back once she had arranged her legs enough to balance herself in a sitting position. From beside the curtain she could hear metal clinks and the burbling squeal of suction. The physicians' murmurs were low and urgent against an unsteady beeping of monitors. She heard someone announce that BP was dropping, then a faint clash of instruments and scrambling sounds. By her side, Spud tightened his hand on the curtain, his eyes screwed tightly closed and his face frighteningly pale beneath the streaks of blood. "Spud," she said again softly, reaching a hand up to rest gently on his back. The contact sent a shudder through his body. His eyes opened, darting crazily for a moment before focusing on her. He opened his mouth as if to speak but instead took a gasping breath. Babs made herself not listen to the curse of a doctor on the other side of the curtain, instead reaching for Spud's clinging fist. "I'm here, Spud," she said soothingly, forcing a calmness she didn't feel. He took another hiccoughing breath, then suddenly he flung himself at her, tangled in her useless legs, arms wrapped around her waist as he sobbed against her stomach. She tried to stroke his curls, but they were too blood-matted to admit her fingers. So instead she only held him, her eyes caught by the red handprints he had left on the pale blue curtain. Her world was just this tiny circle - the blood-covered boy in her lap, the hand-shaped blood stains on the curtain, and the voices over her husband trying to find all the places the blood was coming from. She tightened her grip on her son and closed her eyes.