August 16, 0223h Donna Troy woke from a nightmare with a gasp, scattering the cats curled up on her bed. She reached a hand out for her absent boyfriend, then after a panicked moment remembered he was on monitor duty at the Watchtower. *Just a dream,* she told herself, seeking calm. Her racing pulse settled, but the sense of foreboding that came with the nightmare did not. She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to will herself back to sleep, and only succeeded in making herself feel more awake. When Dynamo stuck a curious nose into her face, she realized it was hopeless. Stroking the concerned tabby, she sat up and swung her legs off the bed with a sigh. It was after two a.m. Sighing again, she rose and headed for the kitchen, pausing to power up the laptop sitting on the breakfast bar. She put the kettle on and dropped a tea bag into a mug before she swung the little computer around to tap in the JLA codes. It was only a moment before Kyle's voice filtered through the speakers: "Green Lantern here. One moment, Troia." Donna frowned slightly. It wasn't like Kyle to call her by her superhero moniker, even if things were frantic in the Watchtower. Maybe he had had the misfortune of drawing monitor duty with Batman? She held that thought, feeling guilty for being uncharitable. Batman was - difficult - but he was a good man and didn't deserve her negative thoughts. "Sorry, Donna," Kyle's voice apologized. "I'm covering for Oracle and it's a bit crazy tonight." "Covering for Oracle?" Donna questioned. "This isn't going to be another one of those incidents where Aquaman makes you write a memo, is it?" The unexpected pause in response made her joking tone seem suddenly very wrong. "No," Kyle finally answered. "Hold on." The tea kettle began whistling behind her, and Donna turned to shut off the stove and to pour the boiling water into her mug. The anxious feeling from her nightmare was back, distracting her as she put too much honey in her tea and puzzled over Kyle's Oracle coverage. She sat down on a stool in front of her computer and grimaced as she took a sip of her too-sweet tea. She should dump it out and start fresh, she thought, but instead she just kept sipping it, staring at the JLA desktop. "Okay, I'm back," Kyle's voice suddenly returned. "Everything okay?" Donna nodded, then remembering they did not have the visual feed active, answered. "I'm fine. Just had a bad dream. Is something wrong?" Another long pause served to fuel her tension. "Kyle?" "Damn! Just one more second, hon," he promised, falling silent again. The promised second was closer to 15, and when Kyle spoke again, he sounded shaken. "That *should* hold them for a bit." "Kyle, honey, if this is a bad time -" "No, no. I was almost going to call you anywayÉ" His voice trailed off. "Kyle? Kyle, what's wrong?" There was another pause, then a sigh. "Batman's not going to like it, but you should know." "Know what? Kyle, if -" "Stop. Donna, we've got a man down." Donna felt her stomach knot. "Oh, God," she whispered. "Who? How bad?" "At least ten units of blood bad," Kyle replied grimly, "and several teleport requests." "Ten units - Kyle, what happened? Who's hurt? Is it Batman, is that why -?" "It's not Batman." She could hear that he didn't want to tell her, but suddenly she just knew. Her hand tightened around the mug, but she managed to set it down before she could shatter it. "Oh no - it's Nightwing, isn't it?" "Macheted," Kyle confirmed. "They've got him at his warehouse lair in BludhavenÉ" The roar of blood in her ears drowned out whatever else Kyle had to say, and Donna gripped the edge of the counter. "No," she whispered. "Donna? Donna, are you all right? I can get Plastic Man to -" "No, Kyle," Donna replied in flat tones. "I'm fine. I'll be okay. Just - just do whatever you can, okay?" "Of course. Are you -" "I love you, Kyle." His response sounded faintly choked, as if fighting tears. "I love you, too, Donna. I'll be home in the morning." "I know. Good night, sweetheart." "Good night." Donna severed the connection and stared as her screensaver took over the monitor. Kyle's tone said almost more than his words; Dick Grayson could not be in good shape, might even be dying. One of her oldest friends in the worldÉ And Batman hadn't wanted anyone to know. Cold-hearted to the last, she thought bitterly. Was he leaving poor Babs and Spud to face this possible loss alone? Righteous indignation did something to quell the roiling fear in her gut. Dick needed his friends. *She* needed her friends. With firm resolve, she lifted her phone from its cradle and dialed the Titans Tower.