August 18, 1030h Clark Kent raised his eyes to see Leslie looking expectantly at him. "He's healing," Clark confirmed, relieved that his quick survey of Dick Grayson's body revealed only healthy tissue regrowth and nothing more ominous. Leslie smiled. "Good. Because I for one am sick of this basement." Babs glanced up from her spot at Dick's side. "Leslie?" "I think he'd be more comfortable in his own bed, don't you?" "Are you sure? I mean, the infection, and his lungs -" "His lungs are clear," Clark stated, pleased to be the bearer of good news. This was much better than sitting in the warehouse listening anxiously to unsteady beeps, he reflected. Being here now was worth the morning's panic that had prompted his visit, and he could not be angry at a family too busy celebrating to hear the phone. After all, the unanswered phone was what put him in a position to announce: "And there's no sign of infection." "What he said," Leslie agreed, relieved at the rekindled hope in Babs' eyes and the smile on her tired face. "Tell me what you'll need," she said briskly. "I can get Dinah and Alfred to help me set up the -" "And me," Clark pointed out. "Spud should know. Should I wake him or -?" "Already up," a voice announced, and they turned to see Dinah and Spud in the elevator. "What's the news?" Babs turned, her eyes shining. "We get to move him upstairs." The effect on Spud was magical. His pillow creased face lost its sleepy fog and he practically bounced to Dick's bedside. "You hear that Dick? You're coming upstairs!" He grabbed Dick's hand, relishing the return squeeze. "Let's not get too excited," Leslie cautioned. "He's not entirely out of the woods yet. There's still a lot of possible complications. And I'll feel much better when he starts breathing on his own. I'm hoping a change of scene will expedite that." "Of course," Babs brushed aside Leslie's concern. "But this is better. Much better." Dinah nodded, but Leslie could see how she was processing the doctor's words. "Well, then," Dinah began, clearly shoving aside her worry, "let's get this show on the road. Clark?" Clark rested his hand on the cart that housed the monitoring equipment and the respirator. "Ready when you are." "Right," Leslie approved. "Let's get the crew down here and get moving."