August 18, 1215h Filb pulled the squad car in behind the Volvo parked in the Grayson's driveway, deciding he'd rather not block the Bentley. He had been relieved when Amy called this morning saying she needed a runner. Runners didn't need partners, and work got Filb out of the house. He had ducked in and out of the precinct hastily, avoiding sympathetic stares and awkward conversation. As long as his partner teetered on a line between life and death, other cops would be uncomfortable around him. Premature sympathy would jinx Dick's chance of recovery, by cop logic, but business as usual just felt wrong. Filb knew Amy was creating work for him when she sent him out to the Graysons'. It was a worthy mission, though, if not the most practical use of tax dollars. No one would hold it against them. A wave of heat flooded into the car as Filb opened the door. By the time he reached the front door of the Grayson home, sweat was trickling down his back under the required bullet proof vest. August and January, Filb grumbled to himself. Worst months to be a cop. When he rang the doorbell, Babs answered almost instantly. She looked haggard, her eyes seeming almost bruised and her hair hanging limp. But her smile at him was genuine as she exclaimed, "Filb!" Almost without thought, Filb leaned down to embrace her, letting her cling to him for a moment. He straightened when he saw Dinah enter the hallway. "Dinah, you remember Filb?" Babs asked, dashing a quick hand across her eyes. Dinah smiled easily, although she too looked impossibly weary. "Of course, Babs. How could I forget someone who works his way into so many of Dick's stories?" Filb laughed. "I can imagine. But whatever you've heard, I can promise you that Grayson started it." Babs managed a short chuckle at that as she herded Filb away from the entrance and shut the door. There was a soft whir of the air conditioner cycling on to counter the August swelter that had accompanied Filb's entrance. "So you've come to look in on your partner?" Dinah asked conversationally. Filb glanced uncertainly at Babs. "Is that - I mean, last I heard -" Babs gave him a reassuring smile. "I'm sorry, Filb, I should've called. We brought him home this morning. Just got him settled, really." "So he's -" "-turned a corner," Dinah finished firmly, as if forestalling further discussion. "Okay," Filb agreed easily. "I'd like to see him, but I'm also kinda on a mission." Dinah gestured Filb to an easy chair and sat on the living room sofa as Babs followed them into the room. "A mission?" she asked brightly. "Do tell." "I'm s'posed to get a lunch date for Amy and me," Filb explained, again looking more to Babs than Dinah. "How's the boy doing?" "Much better with some sleep in him and a glimmer of hope. Last night was rough, but -" "-but when he woke up this morning he had enough spunk to argue with me about taking a bath 'just 'cuz,'" Dinah interjected, smiling. "Don't tell me you made that boy wash?" Filb managed to sound appropriately aghast. "Yep. Even under the fingernails and behind the ears. I'm such an evil Grandma." This drew a laugh from Babs. "Dick's gonna love calling you that." "Yeah, like he'll be willing to give up referring to me as 'Mommie Dearest.'" Dinah turned to Filb. "How do you put up with that man?" "Well, you know how it goes. You get stuck with a partner, you learn to handle their quirks." Filb didn't quite understand the look and laugh which passed between the two women at this remark, but he took their laughter as a good sign. "He's really getting better, isn't he?" This sobered them. "He's not entirely out of danger, but we're not minute to minute. It looks like the worst has passed," Babs explained. Filb nodded. "So you think it'd be okay if me'n' Amy took Spud to Hogan's?" Babs eyes brightened as Dinah exclaimed, "What a great idea! Get some food into the kid." "If he'll go," Babs hedged. "He should get out of the house, but I'm not going to force him..." "Oh, you leave that to me," Filb reassured. "I've got a plan." A relieved smile played on Babs' lips. "If you can manage it - that'd help so much." That settled it, Filb decided. He would manage it. He stood. "I'm technically on the clock, so I s'pose I shouldn't just sit around. Can I poke my head in -?"