August 19, 2158h Dinah made Spud wash up and brush his teeth. He looked much better once he'd cleaned up and only the red burn on his eyes marked his crying jag. When he'd changed into his pajamas, Dinah knocked on the door to Dick and Babs' room. "Come in," Barbara called. Spud opened the door himself, and padded to the bed. "Hey, buddy," Dick greeted him. "I'm sorry I scared you." Spud didn't respond, but went to Babs and leaned against her arm. She gave him a squeeze and kissed the top of his head. "You going to be all right tonight, little man?" she asked. "Do you want to come up with us?" Dick asked, still too drugged to be really stung by Spud's snub. Faster than anyone would have thought possible, Spud was in the bed with them and under the covers. He curled up to Babs' side and snuggled down. The door clicked and Babs looked up to see that Dinah had left them alone. She smiled to herself and turned out the light, settling down with her family.