Disclaimer: Dick and Babs belong to DC Comics. I'm not making any cash off of this; just enjoyment. Don't sue. Thanks. Archiving: K-Nice and A.J. have my permission and any one else need only ask. Feedback: Please. Author's Note: This just came flying out of my fingers. It hasn't been beta-read because I have no beta reader (volunteers?). But I did spell check. I hope somebody enjoys this. *smile* Fingers by Recceanna Valourawynne (reccea@innocent.com) *** Her fingers were flying Right over that keyboard Burring with the motion (I’m still more of a Two-fingered typist myself) And damn if I wasn’t fascinated By the agile grace of those slim fingers Tracing out words With what could only be called talent So I kept leaning closer To watch them soar Over the keys Remembering the few Brief times That her fingers had skittered over my face Just exactly like that