Disclaimer: None of these characters belong to me. I’m not making a cent using them. This fell out of my own head. I’d invite you in, but if you play with the devil, the devil don’t change, the devil changes you. You never know, maybe if I shake it real hard some more will fall out. Author’s note. I was wondering how Babs was dealing with being shot. I know it’s been a while, and I hope I don’t step on any toes with this. I know the grammar kind of runs together in some places, but part of this is a dream and is not subject to the same rules of the universe as other things are. Please give feedback at JKTMN@aol.com. Thank you. P.S. Jody, Syl, love your work and it’s great reading. Thanks for inspiration. Oh yeah, I don’t want to forget Recceanna. Didn’t want to forget you. Thanks for reading this first. *** Nitemares by Gentleman Jack (JKTMN@aol.com.) *** It’s the same dream again. It starts out nice enough. Just me jogging through the park near the library. The trees stand out and the breeze is cooling my face. The blood is pounding in my ears and my legs are kind of achy, but not in a bad way. Suddenly a peace flows over me and everything is so clear. It’s easier to breathe and there’s no pain in my legs. There really is a runners high and I can feel it now. I begin to run faster and faster and the world just flies by and suddenly it’s dark all around me and people are starring at me as I run. They are so close, I could touch them if I put my arms up. But they don’t stop me from running. At first, I don’t know the people. Then they seem to know me and they are talking to me, but I can’t hear what they are saying. Dick and Bruce and Daddy and so many more are there and it’s like I’m running in place and can’t get anywhere. I beg them to let me keep running, I don’t want to stop, ever. It’s the best feeling in the world. Please let me go! Then, out of the darkness, a painted face rises above all of the other faces, and begins laughing. I try to keep running, but I’m not going anywhere. The laughing is getting louder and louder , but I’m the only one who can hear it. Please daddy, make him stop laughing, Dick, where are you? Louder and louder. Please oh please, Batman turn around, he’s right there, make him stop. A huge gun rises up in front of me and the Joker is pointing it right at me. The laughing is hurting my ears now. Daddy, please help me. Now I can run again, but the barrel of the gun is so huge in front of me and, now I can’t stop, and I run into it. I’m slipping on the curves of the inside of the barrel, falling, struggling to get up, trying to find a way out. I know what’s coming and I have to get out of there. I see light ahead and begin to make my way towards it hoping to get away. I see Dick and Batman trying to get to me and Daddy is with them. Everything is in slow motion, and just as I’m about to reach them, I hear the laughing and the hammer fall and the pin strike the bullet primer and a screaming is racing towards me and smashes into me and suddenly I’m encased in something I can’t get ahold of. Dick, please. I’m screaming now and it hurts my ears. Please Daddy! Someone is grabbing me and I try to fight back, sobbing and crying and unable to breathe. I begin to hear voices now. It’s my dad, please Daddy help me. I keep flailing my arms around not realizing the dream is over and my dad is trying to free me from my sheets and calm me at the same time. “Barbara....Barbara....Daddy’s here. Please, baby. It was only a nightmare.” I can finally breath a little between sobs and dad steps into the bathroom to get a glass of water for me. I try to straighten the sheets, but they’ve become wrapped up in my legs and I begin crying again as I can’t free them. Dad comes back in and helps me get free and sits against the headboard next to me with a cool washcloth and a glass of water. I’m so tired and my hands are shaking, so I spill a little of the water on my already sweat-drenched pajamas. As I settle down some more, daddy wipes my forehead and face and straightens my hair back. Dad holds me like he did when I was a little girl and the shadows kept me from sleeping, stroking my hair and humming old songs till I drift off to sleep.