Author's Notes: I'm beginning to think that it's a blessing that I don't know much about the comic world, and by default, the past events in the B/D relationship. That way I avoid most of the clichéd stuff. Anyway, this was meant to be foof, but I think it came out as mild angst. Lemme know what you think. feedback's essential to my continued writing. Shoutouts to Clifford & Smitty, whose big words like "memorable," and "poignant," made me write this little fic. Oh, yeah, Robin's supposed to be about 13 and it's kinda meant to be Babs's first holiday of this type in her chair. So fair warning if you're a strict canonist. *** "Reviving the dream" by Lady Lioness ( *** Only another half an hour and the wretched holiday would be over. She didn't know why this holiday had even been popularized. Really, who wanted to celebrate a saint whose specialty was wedding doomed lovers? The whole thing sounded rather futile, if you asked her. Valentine's Day, bah humbug. She had been depressed the whole day. She kept thinking about past Valentine's Days, when she at least managed to drown her sorrows with other single girlfriends. They all vehemently declared they didn't need men and then went home to sleep it off, dreaming of orange blossoms and white lace veils. She didn't even have that much anymore. It wouldn't be fair to tie any man to a cripple, pardon, *physically challenged individual,* like herself. She knew it and they knew it. Jason hadn't protested overly much when she broke their engagement. Even if he hadn't quite known about the chair when she did. Okay, maybe Dick had always sent out little signals, but that was inappropriate for another whole set of reasons. God, what a ridiculous holiday! Look how it managed to turn her all maudlin. A tiny beep from her computer alerted her that a guest would soon be arriving. One of her costumed friends most likely. Her father had already called, checking on her state of mental health. So had a few other people, all wanting to make sure that she wasn't about to throw herself off the roof. Geez, if she had ever wanted to off herself, she would've done it right after she was released from the sterile white captivity of the hospital. Not that she hadn't considered it. Stupid greeting card industries, needing yet another holiday to manufacture silly little sayings and other such accessories purely for profit, ignoring their less besotted customers' mental health. A slight whisper of fabric, a tiny disturbance in the air currents, and she knew someone had arrived at the window behind her. Making a mental bet with herself, she turned around, saying, "Oh please, Boy Wonder, no puns today. Besides, I think Hallmark already used 'em all." Yet, instead of the black and blue clad figure she expected to see, she encountered Robin's raised eyebrows, a smirk creasing his lips. He said innocently, "Expecting someone else? 'Cause if I'm interrupting some kind of hot date, I could always-" "As opposed to your hot date, just you and the Bat, hm?" Robin colored and said defensively, "Hey, I'll have you know that if the female psychos did not have this "Gotham: City of males, must destroy" thing going every February 14th, I'd be with some fine babe now!" "And I am, what, chopped liver?" Instead of the retort she expected, Robin flushed an even deeper shade of red and stuck a henceforth unnoticed piece of paper at her. She reached out, curious. He stammered, "I, uh, made it. In art class." On the front of the slightly crumpled cards was a childishly rendered watercolor, portraying a field of wildflowers. Inside was her name, carefully printed, and then the quote, "The flower that blooms in adversity is the most beautiful of all." It was signed simply "Robin." To her horror, she felt her eyes begin to tear up. Robin noted the development and reacted with according panic. "It's not really that big of a deal. It's not like I came up with the quote. I mean, it's from 'Mulan.' You know, that Disney movie. Not that I watch Disney stuff. I was, uh, babysitting as a favor to one of my dad's girlfriend. Yeah. So it's really no big deal. I mean, it's probably copyright infringement, but it's really no big deal..." She had to clear her throat before she could say, "I love it. I was just sitting here all depressed and this was really what I needed to cheer me up. I think it's very...manly of you to think of an old fogey like me." Robin straightened with pride, his lips curving in a sheepish smile. "You're not old...exactly..." She couldn't help laughing. The person outside took a moment to enjoy the rare occurrence of joy before pushing open the door and remarking, "Hey, back off. I saw her first." Her laughter stilled as she whipped her head around to see the man who hadn't been far from her thoughts all day. "Dick." Dick Grayson stood, framed in her doorway, in full Nightwing regalia, his mask in one hand, a leash in the other. He gave her a crooked grin. "Hey, Babs." Her eyes followed the leash down to what was on the other end. "Dick? What's with the dog?" Dick glanced down as if he hadn't noticed the black beauty before. "Hm? Oh, that's your present. Nightwing, go introduce yourself." The dog padded over to where Barbara was sitting in her wheelchair and gently laid its head in her lap. She looked down into those chocolate eyes and was lost. She sunk her fingers into the dark fur and took a moment to compose herself as she petted the animal. Dick watched her, satisfaction clear in his eyes. He was careful to mask it when she looked up at him, asking, "Nightwing?" He shrugged and moved over to crouch next to her. He scratched behind the dog's ears and it gave him a few enthusiastic swipes with its tongue on his gloved hand. "I guess the Guide Dog people are fans." She met his eyes again, wariness clouding her features. "This dog came from the Guide Dog Foundation?" "Yup. But just think, now when Bruce calls looking for me, you could just tell him, oh, Nightwing's just fetching me a tissue or extra disks or something. Imagine how convenient that will be." She was torn between self-righteous pride and unholy amusement. At the sight of the smug feeling on Dick's face, amusement won. "Convenient for you maybe, what do I get out of it?" His tone was joking, but his eyes were serious. "The reminder that someone will always be your devoted slave." He leaned forward to kiss her cheek and she didn't pull away, even when his lips lingered a few moments longer than necessary. He stood up, crossing over to the window, where Robin was sitting on the sill, looking out at the city. Nightwing slipped his mask on, saying, "We'd better go." She looked up from where she was cuddling her new roommate. She said with some alarm, "Dick, I don't have anything for him. Food, or anything." He chuckled. "Oh, that's Alfred's present. You shoulda seen him debating the merits of buying canned or making it fresh. He should be over later tonight." Barbara smiled brilliantly and said softly, "Thanks guys. You made my day." Robin remarked, "What else are caped crusaders for?" They swung off into the night, Dick glancing back for another glimpse of Barbara's face lit up with happiness. She went into the kitchen to locate a suitable substitute water bowl. Canine Nightwing followed, his tail wagging. She started humming, as she placed the bowl on the kitchen floor. What a great holiday. Whoever invented a day to celebrate love was an absolute genius. She wheeled herself back over to her computers ready to aid any crime fighters in need. And to indulge in a few daydreams about orange blossoms and white lace veils. "Thanks man." "Hey, the humiliation was worth it. Didja see the look on her face when you gave her the dog? It more than makes up for the fact the guys will be calling me 'flower child' until we graduate." "Well, if you hadn't softened her up first, she never would've accepted Nightwing." Robin snorted. "How did you manage that?" Nightwing smiled sheepishly. "Wayne Industries and Grayson Inc. make regular donations to the Guide Dog Foundation. I simply made a suggestion." "She really loves Nightwing." There was a touch of wistfulness in his voice as he replied, "Yeah, getting her that dog was the best idea I ever had." Robin shot him a look. "I wasn't talking about the dog." Nightwing shot Robin his own sharp look. There was only silence on the darkened rooftop as the last few minutes of Valentine's Day ticked by and old dreams awakened. Fin