Notes:This... thing came to me this evening while I was in a class about isomorphism theorems of ring quotients. You are thereby warned. Anyway, I'm not sure it works quite the way I wanted it to, so feedback of any kind would be specially appreciated in this case. Disclaimer: Legalese can be lethally boring --- handle with care. Summary: A moment inside Cass' mind, a few years back. *** Without Words By Marcelo Rinesi ( *** The storm raged over Gotham City, keeping reasonable people in their homes, thugs in their hideholes, and Cassandra Cain snuggled under a gargoyle. Under Batman's direct order to wait off the storm, she whiles away the time remembering her past. She has no words, only the patterns and wisdom of violence --- but those had been quite enough, so far, to describe her world. She thinks back to her father, her teacher, her forger. A life of lessons and violence. *Kata*. And *pain*. She remembers the sight of blood in her hands, a life being taken. *The feeling of something broke inside.* She thinks of the loneliness afterwards, of the bleak night. Of Batman, saving her and giving her a life. *Parry*. *Punch*. Taking the mantle. Being Batgirl. *The pumping of the heart when you fight and win*. Meeting Robin... Cassandra shifted her weight, annoyed. She didn't know what to think of him. *An opponent eluding her*. The radio in her cowl beeped, thrice. She was supposed to call it a night and go back to the Clocktower. It wasn't a bad idea. *An opening in your enemy's defense*. A warm place. Dry clothes. Safety. *Robin* And so did Cassandra learn her first word. ***