World's Finest By Anonymous *** He crouched in the darkness. It was what he did best. After all, He Was Batman. It needed to be said all in caps, like that. That's just the way it was. There was a soft whine behind him, and the Caped Crusader shushed his comrade with a wave of his hand. "This is no time for fear, Son of Krypton," he murmured, giving his superpowered friend a reassuring pat. "Where are you, you... ARGH! I can't even insult you!" Robin bemoaned, dashing through the room. Superman gave Batman a questioning look. "No, Son of Krypton. It's for the best that he doesn't find us," Batman growled. Superman looked ashamed. "Pull yourself together, man!" the Dark Knight grimaced. The Man of Steel nodded. Quick, Boy Wonder, hide! Batman hoped fearfully, sensing his worst enemy's approach. Robin disappeared into the kitchen, just as his Most Heinous Enemy sauntered into the room. "Dammit, where's my coat? DANA! Have you seen my coat?" "Don't use that sort of language where the baby can hear you! You never know what he'll pick up on!" "Oh, he's asleep in his room. TIM! Have you seen my coat?" "No, Dad!" "Maybe it's in the kitchen..." The Man of Tomorrow exchanged a worried glance with the Dark Avenger. If the Archfiend discovered Robin-- "Right here!" The two Superheroes breathed a sigh of relief, as Batgirl, in civilian clothes, emerged from the kitchen, waving the article of clothing in question. Good old Cassandra-- she always came through in a pinch. "Are you ready to go, yet, honey?" "Just about! I wanna say goodbye to my big man!" The Caped Crusader froze. Not now... "I'll bring him down! Is Tim here, yet?" "I think he's in the kitchen." Pause. "Honey, is Bert down there with you?" "Hmm? No. I thought Tim had him." "Um, yeah, I have him!" The Dark Knight shook his head. Robin was many things-- brave, loyal, and a wretched liar. "Well, I'll just go in and say goodbye--" "No!" Gotham's Champion narrowed his eyes. What plan did Batgirl have this time? "Bert made smelly. You not go in there." "Oh, I've seen his messes plenty--" "Bert made BIG smelly, Dad!" Robin called. "You really don't wanna come in here. Don't worry, we'll be fine!" "Come ON, Jack, we're late!" The Caped Crusader nodded. Ah, yes. Mommy could always come through in a pinch, as well. "Well... I guess I'll see him later," the Evil One sighed, letting himself get dragged out the front door. "Thanks for sitting, kids!" "No problem, Pop!" "Have good time!" The door clicked shut. "No fear, Son of Krypton. Everything will be fine." Robin reemerged from the kitchen, peeling off his mask. "Told you to keep spare clothes in Cave. Stupid Tim." "I had a set. I think Dinah stole them." "You should hide them better. Under dinosaur not good hiding place." "How do you know I keep my spare clothes under Rex?" "Okay, okay, so Dinah not steal your clothes. Go change." "We better find--" "No problem. Go change." Robin, loyal sidekick though he was, was also putty in the deft hands of the latest Batgirl. Batman nodded proudly. She was quite a protégée. Once the Boy Wonder was safely shooed upstairs, Batgirl stuck her head behind the couch, earning a big, three-toothed smile from the Dark Knight. "Coast clear," she reported. "No big gooey kisses from Jack." Batman nodded. Objective gained. Cassandra grabbed him and swung him out from behind the couch. "Where Son of Krypton? Oh, there." She picked up the much-mistreated Man of Tomorrow, and handed him to the Dark Avenger, where his snout was promptly placed inside the powerful maw of the Caped Crusader. "Shouldn't eat Superman. You may need his Inside-Out Vision someday." Batman laughed gleefully. Robin returned, dressed in street clothes. "There he is! Hiding from Dad's slobbery bye-bye kisses, huh?" Batman waved the Man of Tomorrow, hitting Robin in the face. "Gator, too, I see. So where were you guys hidin', bud?" Batman scowled. "Stupid Tim! Master of disguise never give away secret!" The Mighty Bat and the Girl Wonder laughed together, leaving one Big Brother Wonder somewhat mystified. But that's okay. He was used to that.