Title: Morning After Author: A.j. Rating: R/light NC-17 Notes: It's, apparently, porn day. That's a day I can seriously get behind. So. This! Summary: His fingers smell like her. [()] Bobby wakes up with his hands smashed under his jaw and instantly knows that he's alone. When he rolls over and shifts around, the bed behind him is cool. Also telling is the distinct lack of feminine clothing on the floor. It's Tuesday morning and he's alone and he's naked. But his fingers smell like his partner's arousal and all of him is pleasantly buzzed. He thinks it might be a fair trade. They don't do this often. Standing beside his bed, stretching a kink out, Bobby thinks they don't do this often enough. He always feels... better after they spend an evening (or afternoon) figuring out new and interesting ways to make each other orgasm. Which is a thought Eames would totally mock him for. Of course he feels better. He's |relaxed.| But that's not entirely it. He shuffles into the bathroom and smiles at note taped to his mirror. 'Laundry, shopping, gym. Chinese food. 8.’ He feels better because they |never ever| do this when they need it. They do this on Monday evenings when they've been reading reports for seven hours and have the next day off. And on Saturday afternoons when he's sick of staring at the trees in Central Park, and she decides that his couch is much more comfortable to sit on naked. Bobby totally adores that she likes to sit on his furniture naked. And Eames always makes the amused face when he brings it up. Eames likes to goad him when he gets sappy. She says he's enough of a dork when he's |not| sniffing her hair and picturing the best way to get her on top of him. No, they don't do the sex and relaxed freakishly happy thing when they need to. Because that's a different set of emotions and touches and support. This whole big living breathing thing that is their partnership has rules and checks and balances. Sex is great and fun, but when everything's broken and raining down hellfire, a hand on the shoulder is so much more than fucking her from behind could ever be. Because if there's one thing he's learned in this crazy-ass life, it's that everyone is a different person every moment of every day. And that he gets weirdly cerebral staring at himself, naked, in the mirror. He smiles at himself, and chuckles a bit at his own silliness. A quick scratch to the jaw has his sense-memory bringing last night back and in full- technicolor. Bobby takes another sniff at his fingers, and there she is. Spicy and faint X hours after the fact. His grin deepens as he recalls the way she shook under his hands and bellowed at him to get his mouth working already, goddammit. He likes to go down on her for minutes at a time. Previous lovers had gone on about how he was 'sensitive' and 'empathic'. Eames just grins at the ceiling while gasping and mewling and tells him it's because he's a control- freak bastard who really, |really| likes it when he makes her scream for God. Bobby knows this difference is another reason he can't ever see his life without his partner. Even if the sex doesn't last, the partnership will. And that is more than a fair trade. -fin-