Authors T-Z

Tammy - The Gift That Keeps on Giving
Category: Humor/Vingette Archived: 12/1/01
Rating: PG   Continuity: Comics
Summary: Christmas is a time for good cheer, joy, and presents. Unfortunately for Tim and Dick's sanity, Bruce finally decides to join in. ;)
Archivist's Comments: BWHAHAHAHAHAHAH! *giggle* Oh... I *so* needed that...

Tan, Thomas - Life Lessons
Category: Angst/Romance Archived: 4/5/02
Rating: PG   Continuity: Comic
Summary: Sometimes life gets complicated and we need to seek the knowledge of our elders. Thing is, they sometimes need just as much help.
Archivist's Comments: This is probably one of the best explorations of the parallels between the Babs/Dick and Tim/Cass relationships. A definite read. :)

Twiller - Introspection at Delphi
Category: Vignette/Angst  Archived: 4/8/00
Rating: PG   Continuity: Comic
Summary: Our favorite girl does some serious thinking about what changes need to be made in her life and if she has the courage to make them.
Archivist's Comments: This was a *very* well done fic that goes places they need to take Babs in the comic, just for her own sanity. Bravo, and MANY happy returns!

Valourawynne, Recceanna - Beauty
Category: Poetry  Archived: 3/27/00
Rating: G   Continuity: Comic
Summary: Dick ruminates on what beauty is to him.
Archivist's Comments:*sniff* Awww!

Valourawynne, Recceanna - Damage
Category: Poetry Archived: 10/1/00
Rating: PG   Continuity: Comic
Summary: Babs reflects.
Archivist's Comments: Oh, my. Poor Babs.

Valourawynne, Recceanna - Fingers
Category: Poetry Archived: 7/1/00
Rating: G    Continuity: Comic
Summary: Dick reflects.
Archivist's Comments: Awww! Just a little mood piece. I like mood pieces. They give me moods.

Volourawynne, Recceanna - First
Category: Poetry   Archived: 3/27/00
Rating: PG   Continuity: Comic
Summary: Babsie has a divine experience and asks a pointed question.
Archivist's Comments: *giggle* HA!

Valourawynne, Recceanna and Francis, Syl and Hayes, Terri - The 'Friends' Series
Category: Angst/Adventure/Romance Archived: 6/1/00 Updated 10/1/00
Rating: PG-13ish   Continuity: Comic
Summary: A series not Babs/Dick centered, but they do appear. This is an exploration of a very interesting dynamic shared between Batman and Black Canary.
Archivist's Comments: Thrillkiller without the Dickdeath! Or Babs in High Heels. Or the cheesy blonde wig. Okay, so it's nothing like Thrillkiller except Canary and Batman have a 'dynamic'. *snicker*

Valourawynne, Recceanna - Inadequate
Category: Angst/Poetry   Archived: 3/7/00
Rating: G    Continuity: Comic
Summary: A reflection, of sorts, on why Babs keeps throwing the 'more time' fit.

Valourawynne, Recceanna - Marked
Category: Poetry Archived: 11/1/00
Rating: PG   Continuity: Comic
Summary: Barbara hasn't been the only one touched by the Joker's madness.
Archivist's Comments: Wow. This was a really powerful poem that brings up a good point. (I'd be giving too much away if I said more.)

Valourawynne, Recceanna - She Would Not Speak
Category: Poetry    Archived: 3/27/00
Rating: PG   Continuity: A/U
Summary: Different people deal with grief in different ways. After a horrifyingly traumatic event, one woman finds her way of coping.
Archivist's Comments: One amazing thing about freeverse stuff is its emotion. This is a very sad, poignant work that makes me tear up just thinking about it.

Valourawynne, Recceanna - Used To
Category: Poetry  Archived: 5/9/00
Rating: PG   Continuity: Comic
Summary: Barbara Gordon reflects on the losses and gains of the past few years.
Archivist's Comments: Aww! Dammit, I want this happening in the comic. Cuteness is my lifeblood (which I will only admit when forced) and this is sweet enough to make me do the bunny face.

Various Authors (Round Robin) - Immortal Thoughts
Category: Action-Adventure  Archived: 2/19/00
Rating: PG13    Continuity:Alternate Universe
Summary: A round robin done by authors on, Vandal Savage is a busy boy. Not only is his obsession with Lian Harper getting out of hand, he also has a certain, unexplained grudge against Bludhaven's newest, and only, hero. A crossover of Titan proportions brings the situation too a head, only to reveal a larger maze.
Archivist's Comments: I am VERY proud to be archiving the first Round Robin!! Babs + Tim + Dinah + amusing conversation = HAPPPY A.j.!!! (Plus, there's a really good plot. :)

Wayne, Carmen - Glance
Category: Angst/Vignette Archived: 4/10/03
Rating: PG   Continuity: Comic
Summary: After a hard night, Babs and Dick do a little soul searching and come to a decision... not to make a decision.
Archivist's Comments: Nicely done shortfic that really pokes a few of these two's hot buttons.

Wayne, Carmen - What's Going On?
Category: Angst/Adventure Archived: 6/1/00
Rating: PG-13ish   Continuity: Comic/TAS/Alternate Universe
Summary: Klarion (dum dum dum) The Witch Boy gets it in his head that he wants to impress Zatanna. All well and good, sure, except for one thing... Klarion's grandoise scheme spells terror for the multiverse's Barbara Gordon.
Archivist's Comments: Ooo, this is *so* a first. Multivers fic is just fun on principle. When it involves Babs, Dick, Timdeath and a very INTERESTING female Joker... well, just go read.

Winter Sonata - Waking the Dead
Category: Angst/Vignette Archived: 10/5/02
Rating: PG-13   Continuity: AU
Summary: Dick and Babs change their lives in a very significant way while Bruce comes to terms with a long-ago tragedy.
Archivist's Comments: Interestingly done character piece that does a good job of letting the reader get to know the whole clan.

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