Gates - Visiting Hours
Category: Vingette Archived: 7/1/01
Rating: G Continuity: Comic
Summary: Jim Gordon receives a nighttime visitor.
Archivist's Comments: Wonderfully done followup to the Officer Down storyline. I adored this thing so much I actually went out and ASKED for it! And y'all know how lazy *I* am... Read! August 2002's Story of the Month
Gentleman Jack - Nitemares
Category: Angst Archived: 12/1/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Dreams are telling.
Archivist's Comments: A very powerful vingette that explores a depth of Barbara's mind.
Gentleman Jack - Wonderful Life
Category: Xmas/Vingette Archived: 12/1/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Just months after her crippling by the Joker, Barbara Gordon has an interesting encounter that changes her perspective.
Archivist's Comments: An interesting twist on a classic idea. Very cool. :)
Gen X - Don't Speak
Category: Angst Archived: 3/1/01
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Babsie breaks the first rule of polite company -no eavesdropping- and gets a well-deserved beating with the clue bat.
Archivist's Comments: ::hugs Gen fiercely:: THANK YOU! Much as I adore the woman and understand her need for emotional support and time, that doesn't stop me from wanting to beat her about the head and neck occasionally.
Gen X - She Dreams She is Flying
Gore, Marcie Anne - A Christmas Miracle of Love
Greeno, Jim - Discovery
Greeno, Jim - When I First Knew
Hanson, Paige - I Think I Got One On My Backie
Hanson, Paige -Not Entirely Unexpected
Hayes, Lloyd T. - The Day After
Hayes, Lloyd - The Secret That Never Was
Hayes, Lloyd T. - You Can't Lose What You Already Have
Hayes, Terri - Aging Gracefully...?
Hayes, Terri - Family Reactions
Hayes, Terri and Valourawynne, Recceanna and Francis, Syl - The 'Friends' Series
Hayes, Terri - I'll Never Let You Fall
Hayes, Terri - A New Year To Remember
Hayes, Terri - Time Will Tell
Hayes, Terri - To Catch A Killer
Hughes, Lee - Christmas Presents
Hughes, Lee - From the Ashes
TraditionsHughes, Lee -
Traditions ContinuedHughes, Lee -
Hunter, Lydia - Babes in the Woods
Indigo - A Little Slice of Heaven
Ivy, Gina - Nightwolf
Ivy, Gina - On Night's Wings
Ivy, Gina - Reindeer Ridge
Ivy, Gina - To Happy Endings
Jade, Kerithwyn - Leaving Delphi
Jade, Kerithwyn - Two Bullets
Joolz - Bat to the Future
Joolz - First Date, Second Thoughts...
Jubilee - My Knight In Shining Armor
Jubilee - Past Lifetime Ago, A
Juliet - To Fly
K9 - Last Will and Testemant
Kelly, E. - Fall to Grace
Kelly, E. - Here's Looking At You, Red
Kelly, E. - Legacy of Allies
Kelly, E. - Regions of Sorrow
Kristina - Born to Fly
Kristina - Heaven's Light
Kristina - Strip Tease
Kristina - 'Till Death Do Us Part
Lady Lioness - It Was Only
Lady Lioness - Reviving the Dream
Lauren - Accidents Happen
Lauren - Fashion Faux Pas
Lauren - Snowball
Libby - Freakshow
Libby - Honor Thy Father
Libby - Kumpania
Libby - A Little Elfin Magic
Libby - Pussycat, Pussycat, Where Have You Been?
Libby - Softly Comes the Night
Libby - Through a Looking Glass Mind
Luder, DC - Dancing in the Rain - DC Luder
Luder, DC - My Father's Words
Lyssa - For Her
Lyssa - Rites of Passage
Mallory, Gaeriel - Arrow Talk
Mallory, Gaeriel - In Your Eyes
Mallory, Gaeriel - Journey's End
Mallory, Gaeriel - Not Alone
Mallory, Gaeriel - A Super Halloween
McDonald, JB - Decorating the Tree
Miller, Sandra - Angel of Darkness, Devil of Light
Miller, Sandra - Auld Lang Syne
Miller, Sandra - By the Dawn's Early Light
Miller, Sandra - The Finish Line
Miller, Sandra - Rememberance Day
Moon - For the Posession of Wonder
Gen X - The Sanctity of Snow
Category: Angst/Xmas Archived: 12/1/00
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: Comic
Summary: Close to Christmas, the Family faces a crisis that will change its dynamics forever.
Archivist's Comments: ::speechless:: Oh. My. God. This is one of the most beautifully written and amazing stories I have read in my 6 years in fandoms. Heartbreaking in the extreme, IMO, this is above and beyond par with Killing Joke. If you ignore all my other comments, please take these to heart and READ THIS STORY. December 2000's Story of the Month
Category: Poetry Archived: 5/20/01
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Babs and Dick realize just what they feel and why it's so wonderful.
Archivist's Comments: A very wonderful piece. Again, I'm not a huge poetry fan, but this is a really fantastic bit of work.
Category: Vingette/Xmas Archived: 12/1/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: After some hard news, Dick and Barbara recieve an amazing gift.
Archivist's Comments: Aww!
Category: Adventure/Angst Archived: 3/1/01
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: Comic or A/U
Summary: After a particularly vicious gunbattle, Nightwing is injured. Unfortunately for him, Clancy's seen everything and boy does she have questions.
Archivist's Comments: ::whacks Jim on the ear with a daisy:: No fair making me like Clancy!
Category: Humor/Adventure/Romance Archived: 3/1/01
Rating: PGish Continuity: Comic
Summary: This story focuses on the events that caused Babs to look at Dick in a new an adult, and a very sexy one at that.
Archivist's Comments: ::giggle!:: Oh, have I mentioned lately that I adore Dinah? Not that I'd ever want her sicced on me, but yowza is she fun! Not to mention the fact that this story utilizes her in the best possible way... against Babs and Dick! (Or for them... either way!) READ NOW!
Category: Humor Archived: 4/5/02
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Tim Drake has issues. BIG HUGE issues. Unfortunately for her, the one who gets stuck playing sounding board is Babs.
Archivist's Comments: ::giggles mandly:: Oh, POOR Tim!
Category: Romance/Humor Archived: 4/5/02
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: In BoP 35, Nightwing interrupted a certain moment. Here's the REAL story...
Archivist's Comments: EVIL! *giggle* Man, I almost feel bad for the poor schmuck. This is a very different B/D story. ;)
Category: Angst/Romance Archived: 2/1/01
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: Comic
Summary: Nightwing recieves a visit from a few old friends and an old flame, prompting Barbara to recieve some peace of mind.
Archivist's Comments: Yay! Post-Killing Joke fic! Gut-wrenching stuff, I tell you.
Category: Angst/Vingette Archived: 7/1/01
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Dick faces a loss and learns that he can rely on family.
Archivist's Comments: Nicely handled look at something that hasn't been done before.
Category: Angst/Romance Archived: 1/31/02
Rating: PG Continuity: Comics
Summary: Barbara and Dick break some news to their respective fathers with some interesting, and touching, results.
Archivist's Comments: I don't think I've mentioned how much Jim Gordon rules this month. In fact, I know I haven't. He does. So there.
Category: Vignette/Homor Archived: 1/29/00
Rating: G Continuity: Comic
Summary: Babs discovers that the super-hero lifestyle leaves an inevitable mark...
Archivist's Comments: *giggle* Okay, this isn't *strictly* a Babs/Dick fic. Then
again, it's funny as all get-out and sublimely surreal. I love Bruce. I really do.
Category: Romance/Reactionary
Archived: 1/29/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Alternate Universe
Summary: This is a sequal to A New Year to Remember. This explores the various reactions of the 'family' members to Babs and Dick's engagement.
Archivist's Comments: Whee! Engagements! Reactions! Can we say 'fun at the old
bat-barn tonight?' I knew we could!
Category: Angst/Adventure/Romance Archived: 10/1/00
Rating: PG-13ish Continuity: Comic
Summary: A series not Babs/Dick centered, but they do appear. This is an exploration of a very interesting dynamic shared between Batman and Black Canary.
Archivist's Comments: Thrillkiller without the Dickdeath! Or Babs in High Heels. Or the cheesy blonde wig. Okay, so it's nothing like Thrillkiller except Canary and Batman have a 'dynamic'. *snicker*
Category: Angst/Vingette Archived: 1/29/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Dick Grayson loves Barbara Gordon as a friend and maybe more. When she was injured, where was he? This fic tells that story.
Archivist's Comments: ::incoherent screeching::
Category: Romance Archived: 1/29/00
Rating: PG Continuity: A/U
Summary: Diverging the universe started by Jody Revonson, Dick and Babs take their relationship to the next level on a night made for beginings.
Archivist's Comments: I love sap! And well-written sap? Even better!
Category: Romance/Angst Archived: 1/29/00
Rating: PG Continuity: A/U
Summary: A response to Goodbye, Hello by Syl Francis. This is a look at what might happen during that breakfast meeting.
Archivist's Comments: Can things be salvaged? Will Babs overcome her issues? Will
Timmy get out of the WELL!? Oops. Um... Coding makes me punchy. Romance fic!
Category: Action Archived: 3/27/00
Rating: PG Continuity: A/U
Summary: Set immediately after Family Reactions, the Family faces a danger from without. Someone is gunning for Nightwing, but are things as they seem?
Archivist's Comments: YAY, ALFRED! This is a *really* fun story. Terri was nervous about doing a longer piece, but danged if she didn't nail it straight out of the gate. GOOD work, and we want more!
Category: Romance/Xmas Archived: 12/1/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Problem: With Christmas fast approaching, Dick Grayson is completely stumped as what to get Barbara Gordon. Solution: Enter Alfred.
Archivist's Comments: Cute and sweet. Extra joy for the last line!
Category: Adventure/Romance/Angst Archived: 10/1/00
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: Alternate Universe
Summary: After all the recent changes in her life, Barbara has a panic attack. Unfortunately for Dick, this leaves the Scarecrow a wonderful opportunity.
Archivist's Comments: Ooo... Now this is *definitely* an interesting idea. :)
Category: Angst/Romance Archived: 4/5/02
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: Comic
Summary: Batgirl and Robin have always had a special relationship. Seems somethings can't help but get passed down to the second generation.
Archivist's Comments: Another interesting look at the idea of a evolving relationship between Tim and Cass. Whee!
Category: Angst/Romance Archived: 4/5/02
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: Comic
Summary: Batgirl and Robin deal with the repercussions of Traditions and deepen their new relationship.
Archivist's Comments: Heh. Lady Shiva rulz. Stephi go squish.
Category: Adventure/Romance-ish Archived: 4/5/02
Rating: PG Continuity: BTAS
Summary: Harley and Ivy escape while Batman is out of town, and it's up to Robin and Batgirl to save the day.
Archivist's Comments: Gosh, it's been awhile since I've seen some BTAS stuff. This is really a fun story that totally captures the feel of the original animated series.
Category: Vingette Archived: 3/27/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Before 'Judgement Day' and after Blackgate, Richard Grayson makes a stop to recover at a certain good friend's abode.
Archivist's Comments: You know, I don't think I'll ever get tired of stories set after Nightwing collapses on Babs' patio after Blackgate stories. They're too much fun. :)
Category: Action/Adventure Archived: 5/20/01
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: Comic or A/U
Summary: A mad scientist and a transformation formula make things a tad... hairy for our Hero.
Archivist's Comments: *grin* Okay, so the pun was dumb. Anyway! This story is definitely a fun romp through a 'What if...?'
Category: Poetry Archived: 5/20/01
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: A funky little imagery piece.
Archivist's Comments: Quite evocative.
Category: Adventure/Xmas/Romance Archived: 12/1/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Batman has a mission and come hell, high water, or uncooperative participants, it *will* work.
Archivist's Comments: Aww! This is so sweet!
Category: Angst Archived: 5/20/01
Rating: PG Continuity: TAS!
Summary: Richard Grayson gets a pointed reminder about just what is what.
Archivist's Comments: ::hugs Gina muchly:: Not only did you keep TASDick in character (:thumps the jerk upside the head:) but you twacked him with the clue bat! GOOD WORK!
Category: Romance Archived: 2/13/00
Rating: R Continuity: A/U
Summary: Arsenal discovers that a wheelchair does not the woman make.
Archivist's Comments: I've actually wondered about an Arsenal/Oracle hook up for awhile. Well, ever since I read Hello, Goodbye by Syl. This is a wonderful story that takes a look at a what if and hits complete pay-dirt. :) Winner of July 2000's Story Of The Month.
Category: Angst Archived: 1/29/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Babs reflects on what was and what can't be.
Archivist's Comments: Okay, Dick isn't even in this, but Babs is cool and this
fic is cool and short. Deal!
Category: Humor/Vingette Archived: 7/1/01
Rating: G Continuity: Comic/60's Show
Summary: Oracle recieves a few visitors that remind her just what she's gained since she opened that door.
Archivist's Comments: Ha! Okay, so this is FUNNY! This also gains the distinction as the very first 60's Showfic we have on this archive. :)
Category: Romance/Vingette Archived: 5/20/01
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: An initially hurtful gesture from Dick helps Babs realize just what is important.
Archivist's Comments: A GREAT first attempt at fanfiction!
Category: Vingette Archived: 4/5/02
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: After an altercation with Catwoman, Nightwing heads to the one person who will make everything okay.
Archivist's Comments: Aww! Cute and short.
Category: Vingette Archived: 4/5/02
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Babs reflects on her life.
Archivist's Comments: Also another nice short look into Babs' head.
Category: Vingette/Angst Archived: 7/1/00
Rating: G Continuity: Comic
Summary: The reflections of Barbara Gordon on a random evening.
Archivist's Comments: A short, but good mood piece that gives a nice insight into our beleagured heroine. Sad, but deeply enjoyable.
Category: Angst/Romance Archived: 8/10/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: During NW #46 Barbara sent a 'last message' off to the boys in kevlar. What if Barbara had accidentally sent those emails she was working on as her last will and testament? Wouldn't she *surely* have sent Dick a private message? This story answers that question and a little more...
Archivist's Comments: Oh, I do like What If...? stories. What's more, this buttes nicely against Smitty's story Scar Tissue. I don't know if that was intentional, but it *was* pretty cool.
Category: Detective Story Archived: 7/1/01
Rating: R Continuity: Comic
Summary: Money. Power. Love. Fear. All are powerful things. In Gotham, they can be a deadly combination.
Archivist's Comments: ... I have absolutely NO way of expression how fantastic this story is. Babs and Dick only appear very fleetingly, but this is a detective novel at its finest. It is a Batman story, but my lord is it good. Winner of September 2001's Story Of The Month.
Category: Romance/Adventure Archived: 7/1/01
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: Elseworlds
Summary: With the coming of the third World War, many eyes in imprisoned North America looked hopefully, or desperately, toward the last free city on the continent,
Bludhaven. From here, the fortunate ones could obtain - through money or
influence or luck - exit visas and scurry overseas, to safety and freedom from
the mighty Reichsarmy. The others remain in Bludhaven, where they wait... and
wait... and wait...
Archivist's Comments: !!!!!!!!! If my brain weren't so fried with the COOLNESS of this story, I'd be able to say something pithy and worthy. Instead, I shall settle for this: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Category: Vingette Archived: 12/1/01
Rating: PG Continuity: A/U
Summary: On the eve of a certain wedding, two men reflect on just how then ended up where they did.
Archivist's Comments: Okay, that was a crappy summary, but none of my little words can honestly do Kelly's stories justice. Just like everything else this one's done, this is hard-hitting and astoundingly wonderous.
Category: Vingette/Angst Archived: 7/1/01
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: The world is a scary place, and sometimes, heroes can't be everywhere.
Archivist's Comments: Oh... This story... Read this. Please do. Winner of October 2001's Story Of The Month.
Category: Romance/Angst Archived: 10/1/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Barbara is having a hard time dealing with her fears, life, and Dick. Mr. Grayson decides she needs to regain her perspective.
Archivist's Comments: ::fwacks Kristina on the head:: Going 'Aww!' more than six times in one fic is NOT allowed!
Category: Angst Archived: 9/1/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: After NW#37, but before #38, Dick Grayson wakes up a bit and realizes some important stuff about his past, and future.
Archivist's Comments: Yay! Another post#37! I still can't get enough of these.
Category: Vingette/Humor Archived: 11/1/00
Rating: PGish Continuity: Comic
Summary: Nightwing proves he's got the moves.
Archivist's Comments: ::SNICKER:: Oh, oh, ::SNICKER:: I wanna private party!
Category: Romance/Angst Archived: 5/1/00
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: The Animated Series
Summary: When Dick loses someone very dear to him thanks to an old, familiar foe, can Nightwing put aside his pain to do the right thing? Does he want to?
Archivist's Comments: Whoo! More TAS fic! This is the second story in a series (the first has not been written) that seems quite promising. Keep an eye out for more!
Category: Angst Archived: 8/10/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic/Alternate Universe
Summary: After a schoolyard mishap lands a young Dick Grayson in the hospital, both he and Barbara reflect on what might be, what could be, and what is.
Archivist's Comments: A sad, sweet piece that is all the more heartbreaking in knowing what comes after.
Category: Romance Archived: 9/1/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Barbara celebrates her first Valentine's Day after being paralyzed and barely gets through it with some help from her friends.
Archivist's Comments: More V-Day fic! And Tim gets major frosted-heart sugar cookies for his astute observation in the last line. Winner of February 2002's Story Of The Month.
Category: Humor/Vingette Archived: 9/2/01
Rating: G Continuity: Comics
Summary: Dick plays fast and loose with speeding laws one too many times...
Archivist's Comments: Who's a poor wubbie? Dick is!
Category: Humor/Vingette Archived: 9/2/01
Rating: PG Continuity: Comics
Summary: Dick reflects the intelligence of youth.
Archivist's Comments: *snicker* Fashion can come back and bite you on tushie. *snort*
Category: Humor/Vingette Archived: 9/2/01
Rating: PG Continuity: Comics
Summary: Snowball fight!
Archivist's Comments: BWAHAHA!
Category: Angst/Drama Archived: 4/10/03
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: Elsworld
Summary: The Haly Brothers Circus gets a new addition, and the life of young Richard John Grayson will never be the same.
Archivist's Comments: LIBBYFIC! *dances* Is it really becoming of me to be this much of a fangirl for EVERYTHING this girl writes? Because, *SQUEE*, dammit!
Category: Angst/Vingette Archived: 7/1/01
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: Comic
Summary: A death in the Family reknits that which has been known, but is it for the best? Or will emotions long-repressed do what no one else has been able to acomplish: rip the Family apart.
Archivist's Comments: Okay, so it's not fair that Libby is so freaking cool. EVERYTHING she's got on this archive is beyond awesome. And here, she had to go and send me this wonderful stretch of angst. More kudos cuz she DOES her homework!
Category: Angst Archived: 3/1/01
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: On Christmas Eve, Dick Grayson makes a trip somewhere very special and reflects on his life and lost family - the Romany.
Archivist's Comments: Oh, how do I start? I have absolutely NO idea how to impart how cool this story is. Not only is it fantastically researched, it is so emotionally engaging I wanted to smack the author with a daisy until she submitted MORE! (Threat still holds, kid! ;)
Category: Vingette Archived: 12/1/01
Rating: PG Continuity: Comics
Summary: Barbara Gordon reflects on just how she met a certain little bird.
Archivist's Comments: Awww! Now this is one way that I would have *adored* for them to have met. Totally sweet. Plus, LIBBYFIC! And y'all know how I feel about *that*... ;)
Category: Angst Archived: 10/1/00
Rating: STRONG R Continuity: Comic
Summary: Dick Grayson becomes an adult in one of the most painful ways possible.
Archivist's Comments: Omigod. This story just *blew* me away. This is one of the few stories I've read that is *so* incredibly vivid, it actually hurts to read, after a point. Warning though: This story deals with strong, UNCOMFORTABLE themes. Non-consensual situations involved. Winner of June 2001's Story Of The Month.
Category: Supernatural/Angst Archived: 7/9/03
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: Comic
Summary: It's Halloween in Gotham and Dick... Well, Dick's got a problem.
Archivist's Comments: *happy sigh* I love Libby. I think I've made this rather clear in previous Archivist Comments, but she just keeps writing these wonderful, angsty stories that dig deeply into Dick as a character, person, and Gypsy. She's gone and done it again...
Category: Adventure/Angst/Romance Archived: 4/5/02
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: After Nightwing ends up in a coma, Barbara starts a fantastic journey to save his life and just maybe... herself.
Archivist's Comments: !!! I can NOT say enough good things about this story. Well-written and amazing, it gives Babs a real chance to prod serious buttock.
Category: Angst Archived: 10/5/02
Rating: PG Continuity: AU
Summary: Loss, life, and love effect our favorite Family.
Archivist's Comments: Interestingly done and quite sad. Thought provoking.
Category: Vignette Archived: 4/10/03
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: Comics
Summary: On a rather eventful night, Dick thinks back on his
collection of paternal advice he has been given by both of his fathers.
Archivist's Comments: Nicely done character piece.
Category: Vignette/Angst Archived: 1/28/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Dick's reasoning behind why he does what he does.
Archivist's Comments: This is really touching. One of the best introspective
pieces I've read, and it's beautiful insight into why DICK NEVER SHOWED
UP after Barbara's wounding.
Category: Romance/Angst Archived: 1/29/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: In every young man's past lies the one that got away. Somethings just aren't
meant to be.
Archivist's Comments: *sigh* What can I say about this other than it made me cry?
No, that's not a bad thing. This is a definite cannon-could-have-been. I really wish they'd do these little background stories. It'd make the comic continuity so much richer. Kudos to Lyssa for doing what TPTB hasn't. Winner of January 2002's Story Of The Month.
Category: Vignette Archived: 4/10/03
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Someone's getting married, and someone else isn't happy.
Archivist's Comments: I enjoyed this little bit a lot. I generally really like Roy as a character, and this did a good job of getting into his head.
Category: Crossover/Angst Archived: 7/9/03
Rating: PG Continuity: TAS/Season 7 of Buffy
Summary: Some endings are never happy. But sometimes, an ending is just what you need.
Archivist's Comments: *SQUEAL* For writing this story Gaer will have my UNDYING devotion FOREVER. There's Babs! There's Dick! There's Giles! There's JENNY! ::bouncebouncebouncebounce::
Category: Angst/Vignette Archived: 4/10/03
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Babs gets whacked around by the cluebat. Weilder: Well, that would be telling!
Archivist's Comments: I ::heart:: my Gaer. And this? Well, Babs needs that whacking, and this acomplishes it quite nicely. YAY!
Category: Vignette Archived: 5/7/03
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Jim Gordon has a moment.
Archivist's Comments: I miss Jim Gordon. I miss him so much it isn't even funny. (Yes, I know he was in the most recent Batman, shut up.) And Jimfic? I miss that too. But !!! Jimfic! GOOD Jimfic! ::runs around squealing::
Category: Humor/Vignette Archived: 10/5/02
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Two generations of Batgirls and Robins discover the joys of candy for free.
Archivist's Comments: I love this story! It's just so sweet, and cute and... Just READ!
Category: Vignette Archived: 1/31/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: The 'Family' celebrate Christmas. A normal occurance in most years, this gathering is made shadowed by one thing: No Man's Land.
Archivist's Comments: More Christmas fic! What's more, it's set in No Man's Land
(BEFORE Sarah went to Bermuda!)
Category: Adventure/Crossover Archived: 10/5/02
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: Comic
Summary: Nightwing teams up with Daredevil to clear a close friend of murder.
Archivist's Comments: This is one of the best, solidly-plotted stories I've run across.
Well detailed and thought out, it's a great read.
Category: Adventure/Romance Archived: 2/1/01
Rating: R Continuity: A/U
Summary: Dick plays detective and faces some demons from the past. Note, this is a sequal to "Best Girl, First Girl".
Archivist's Comments: Aww! This is just so entirely sweet! Current relationship stories are always fun to read, but when the city of Chicago is involved? YAY!
Category: Adventure/Romance/Action Archived: 12/1/01
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: Comics
Summary: "Once more into the breech, dear friends, once more." - Henry V 3.i
Archivist's Comments: This is an AMAZING story. It's wonderfully written, maticulously plotted, and one of the most gripping things that's come out in the history of Nightwing fanfiction. This baby's got EVERYTHING. Please make sure you've got a few hours cleared before you tackle this master piece. Winner of July 2002's Story Of The Month.
Miller, Sandra - Depth Perception
Category: Vingette Archived: 12/1/01
Rating: PG Continuity: Comics
Summary: Christmas is an emotional time of the year, and sometimes, that emotion lends to epiphanies.
Archivist's Comments: Wow. Sandra's just *really* good at the classy, elegant story. Quiet and understated, this one gives us a lot of character packed into a little room. Winner of an Honorable Mention in 2001's BoaF Christmas Contest!
Category: Romance/Angst Archived: 11/1/00
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: Comic
Summary: Nightwing's been injured, and the Flash does a little pushing with wonderful results.
Archivist's Comments: Aww! Way to go, Speedy. :) A sweet story with some darn good points.
Category: Angst Archived: 4/5/02
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: DK Returns
Summary: March 21 raises a whole slew of memories for Batman. But sometimes, things are best not forgotten.
Archivist's Comments: *sniff* ::whacks Sandra on the head a few times:: That's SAD! And, and, and... GAH!
Miller, Sandra - You Can Count On Me
Category: Xmas/Romance Archived: 12/1/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Barbara and Dick have a quiet Christmas at home.
Archivist's Comments: ::speechless:: Oh, this is just an amazing little bit of a story! Understated and elegant, a true example of what fic should be.
Category: Adventure Archived: 12/1/01
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: Comics
Summary: Rha's al Gul unleashes a major force of magic on the world. Unfortunately for our heroes, Nightwing is right at the center.
Archivist's Comments: See, now this was just neat. Claps out to a new writer. Fun little adventure piece where the whole gang gets in on the fun.
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